Community news

Hermosa's Dog Park Committee - Get Involved + Sign Up for Updates


If you’d like to participate, please contact or text 773-295-7790 to find out more about reviving this committee

(May 2021) The Hermosa Neighborhood Association has just launched a new Dog Park and Fundraising Committee based on community interest in pursing a city-sanctioned off-leash space for our furry friends to mingle, get exercise and play. Hermosa does not have an off-leash area, which means all dogs must be on a leash outside of your own property. See City of Chicago guidelines.

The goal of the committee is to scout locations, plan a design, fundraise and implement a dog-friendly space. This is an effort that will take numerous volunteers, community engagement and significant fundraising. If other communities can do this, Hermosa sure can!

To learn more about being on the Dog Park + Fundraising Committee, please sign up for volunteer orientation.

Free Mercado Saturday 9/5 at Kelvyn Park

Free Mercado Saturday Sept 5th 12-4pm -Kelvyn Park

Free Clothes & Shoes for the Community / Ropa y Zapatos Gratis por la Communidad


Free Mercado at Kelvyn Park (Park District)
Sponsored by the Kelvyn Park Advisory Council at
4438 W Wrightwood Ave, Hermosa, Chicago

We are offering a free mercado / store for clothing, shoes and limited school supplies. 
- Limit: 1 bag per person
- Masks required while in shopping area

Raffle for free Fire Tablet - tickets $1 for 1 or $5 for $6

Estamos ofreciendo un mercado / tienda gratis para ropa, zapatos y útiles escolares limitados.
 - Límite: 1 maleta por persona
 - Se requieren máscaras en el área de compras

 Rifa para tableta Fire gratis - boletos $ 1 por 1 o $ 5 por $ 6

Chicago - Hermosa Community Resources During Coronavirus

Do you or a neighbor need help? The HNA has compiled a list of services that are available to help you navigate a change in lifestyle during this challenging time.

If you would like to help as a volunteer / block club captain, you can lean more here.


  • Free Covid Testing:

  • Updates from Chicago Public Health Department

  • Emergency medical care - call 911

  • Routine doctor visits: if you are a senior, call your doctor to check if the appointment should be postponed to practice social distancing out of caution

  • If you are experiencing possible symptoms (cough, fever) , READ the RECOMMENDED INSTRUCTIONS FROM the HEALTH DEPARTMENT FIRST.

If you need general help understanding the recommendations, contact






If you’re struggling to make your energy bill payments contact the Northwest Side Housing Center to apply for energy assistance programs or call 773-283-3888.

If you’re struggling to make your energy bill payments contact the Northwest Side Housing Center to apply for energy assistance programs or call 773-283-3888.


For complete details, go to


Need-Based Childcare

  • is offering free access to their trusted childcare worker database


Domestic violence hotline: 1-877-863-6338

AA Online Recovery Resources

National Suicide Hotline - online chat or 1-800-273-8255

Suicide: Youth Suicide + Bullying - The Trevor Project

NEED ADDITIONAL HELP? has many resources from mental health to local health services

Fill out this form and tell us what you need help with, and a volunteer will contact you.

Chicago - Recursos Comunitarios de Hermosa Durante el Coronavirus

¿Usted o un vecino necesita ayuda? La HNA ha compilado una lista de servicios que están disponibles para ayudarlo a navegar un cambio en el estilo de vida durante este momento difícil.

Si desea ayudar como voluntario / capitán del club de bloque, puede obtener más información aquí.

Enfermedad / Coronavirus
Comida / Entrega de Comida
Internet / Wifi / Biblioteca
Ayuda de Apagado / Desalojo de Utilidades
Padres + Estudiantes de CPS
Salud Mental + LBGTQIA

Need the english version?

Enfermedad / Coronavirus

  • Pruebas de Covid Gratis:

  • Actualizaciones del Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago

  • Atención médica de emergencia: llame al 911

  • Visitas médicas de rutina: si usted es un anciano, llame a su médico para verificar si la cita debe posponerse para practicar el distanciamiento social por precaución


Si necesita ayuda general para comprender las recomendaciones, comuníquese con

Comida / Entrega de Comida





Communiquese con el Northwest Side para solicitar programas de assistencia de energia o 773-283-3888

Communiquese con el Northwest Side para solicitar programas de assistencia de energia o 773-283-3888


Para obtener detalles completos, vaya a

Comida por

Cuidado de niños basado en la necesidad

  • El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago sugiere que los estudiantes se queden en casa si es posible, pero entiendan que esto no siempre es una opción, ver a continuación

  • está priorizando el cuidado infantil para los trabajadores médicos


Línea directa de violencia doméstica: 1-877-863-6338

Línea directa de suicidio en español - 1-888-628-9454

Suicidio: suicidio juvenil + intimidación - The Trevor Project

No te olvides de unirte al Grupo de Facebook de la Comunidad Hermosa para hacer preguntas o pedir ayuda a los vecinos. ¡Ayudémonos todos!



Helping Neighbors in Hermosa During Coronavirus

If you would like to help your neighbors, even in a completely remote fashion, we first say, thank you, as it does take compassion and awareness in order to make an effort to help reduce cases or severity of viruses, and aide our most vulnerable get the care they need. If you would like to donate to the HNA which could be used for neighbors in immediate need, DONATE HERE, please note the donation for “mutual aid” which will be earmarked for food + supplies that go directly to Hermosa residents.

Are you interested in getting involved in helping your neighbors? Please contact us to learn more about volunteering opportunities.

Questions? Contact or message on Facebook or text us at 773-295-7790

Donate to Hermosa Mutual Aid

Hermosa Mutual Aid is a collective of volunteers distributing much needed food, supplies and shelter assistance to Hermosa residents in need.

Struggling families need food and supplies on a weekly basis. The pandemic has created the largest spike in food insecurity, overwhelming food banks in Chicago. Weekly meals are delivered to families in need from The Fields location on Diversey + Pulaski, helping those who may not receive government aid, or are ineligible for employment.

Ayudando a los Vecinos en Hermosa Durante el Coronavirus

Si desea ayudar a sus vecinos, incluso de manera completamente remota, primero le agradecemos, ya que se necesita compasión y conciencia para hacer un esfuerzo para ayudar a reducir los casos o la gravedad de los virus, y ayudar a nuestros más vulnerables. Obtenga la atención que necesitan. Si desea hacer una donación a la HNA que podría usarse para vecinos que lo necesitan de inmediato, DONAR AQUÍ

Rellene este formulario e intentaremos ponernos en contacto con usted lo antes posible. Tener voluntarios de capitán de bloque en cada área Hermosa es crucial para la salud de nuestra comunidad.


Herramientas voluntarias


P: ¿Necesito tener interacción cara a cara para ser voluntario?
R: No, hay muchas maneras de ayudar a los vecinos haciendo llamadas telefónicas, mensajes de texto, correos electrónicos o redes sociales.

P: ¿En qué tipo de cosas puedo ayudar?
R: En primer lugar, usted podría ser un punto de contacto principal para las personas mayores vulnerables que tal vez solo necesiten información (“¿Está funcionando el autobús?”). Puede hacer llamadas telefónicas si un vecino se queda sin suministros de necesidad inmediata. Podría reclutar a otros vecinos para ayudar a entregar suministros al porche de un vecino. Si ya se está quedando sin suministros, puede recoger artículos para personas de la tercera edad que no deberían exponerse o no tienen transporte.

P: ¿Puedo donar a la causa?
A: ¡Sí! Hay muchos vecinos que necesitan suministros o tarifas de transporte que son una carga para sus presupuestos. HNA es una organización sin fines de lucro y deducible de impuestos.


Instrucciones: Para Google Docs, haga clic en el enlace y guarde una copia para editar (Archivo> Copiar> Cambiar nombre). Si no tiene una cuenta de Google, cree una aquí:

  1. Una vez que haya personalizado el documento o esté listo para imprimir, vaya a Archivo> Imprimir y asegúrese de que su impresora personal esté en el menú de impresión.

  2. Si no es así, puede guardarlo como PDF y enviarlo por correo electrónico a otra persona para que lo imprima.

folleto de recursos

Este folleto puede imprimirse y usarse para cualquier vecino que necesite información general y números de contacto y que no esté en Internet. Para los vecinos a quienes puede enviar mensajes de texto o correo electrónico, puede enviarles la versión en línea de estos recursos.

Folleto para Personas Mayores

PARA MAYORES u otros vecinos vulnerables que no tienen recursos de Internet, puede dejar una nota en su puerta o buzón, junto con un volante de recursos. Tiene texto grande, fácil de leer con un mensaje simple. Siéntase libre de personalizar esto según la ayuda que sienta que puede proporcionar. Podría ser tan simple como necesitar ayuda con información básica que puede proporcionar por teléfono. Si tiene una solicitud que no puede cumplir, podemos establecer contactos en la comunidad para tratar de satisfacer una necesidad.

Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con o envíe un mensaje en Facebook

Education Workshop | April 29, 2017

Understanding Chicago Public Schools and its sheer size and numerous requirements can be a difficult task for any parent.  In recent years, CPS has closed schools, added testing requirements, created a common application for selective enrollment schools, and even implemented new graduation requirements for 8th and 12th graders.  Often, our neighborhood schools are underfunded and understaffed which means students don't have access to rigorous classes, extracurricular activities, or individualized attention or support inside the classroom.  All of this, taken together, can be daunting to understand especially if you have students in elementary classrooms.  The weight of standardized tests, grades, attendance, and school performance can seem unimportant to a parent of a first or second grader, but is much more relevant to parents of middle schoolers.   The goals of this workshop are to: help parents understand how CPS is structured; how schools in our neighborhood are rated and what those ratings mean; how standardized tests impact students at all grade levels; and how the high school application process works.

This Saturday, April 29, 2017, HNA is hosting an Education Workshop for parents of elementary-age children throughout Chicago.  Our hosts - board members Jenna Sigman and Alejandra Fleck - want to support parents of elementary-age students as they go through the CPS system from kindergarten to 12th grade and beyond.  We will introduce parents to the Illinois School Report Card and how to understand the information contained in their child's school report card.  Many of the statistics can seem abstract or confusing so we will shed light on their importance and relevance and how to read the reports to best serve your child's needs.  We will also discuss the CPS standardized tests and how they impact a student throughout their elementary and secondary education process.  These test scores are especially important for any student applying to selective enrollment, charter, magnet, or other application-based schools in the city of Chicago.  These test scores may become even more important as CPS seeks to require all 8th grade students to fill out the CPS common application before they receive their diploma.

This workshop is free and will be in English and Spanish and will offer participants an opportunity to interact with others and discuss topics together.  We want to arm you with the tools necessary to take charge of your child's education to ensure he/she is getting the most out of his/her CPS experience.  No RSVP is necessary so we hope to see you this Saturday!

Hermosa tree planting BIG success!

We wanted to extend a big thank you to all those who came out to help us plant trees near Kelvyn Park on Saturday November 5th. We helped to settle an incredible 42 trees into their new homes....the Hermosa community!!!! Combined with our earlier tree planting in the spring, we have planted a total of 64 trees in Hermosa in 2016....WOW!

These trees included various red oaks, chinquapin oaks, catalpas, sweet gums, lindens, and bur oaks. These trees are going to make a HUGE difference to our community for years to come!!!!

Here are a few of the benefits they will provide:

  • Each tree will intercept about 159 gallons of stormwater runoff per year. This means an additional 10,494 gallons of water will be stored in Hermosa each year. This will reduce soil erosion, flooding, and help minimize the amount of pollutants washed into nearby aquatic ecosystems.

  • Each tree will conserve 9 kilowatt hours of energy per year by providing shade to nearby buildings and reducing wind speeds in the area. This means a total of 576 kilowatt hour conserved in Hermosa per year!

  • Each tree will reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2, a greenhouse gas) by 42lbs a year. This means a total of 2,772 lbs of CO2 will be reduced by the trees we've helped plant!

Caring for and expanding the green spaces in Hermosa is crucial for both the health of the environment, and the health of our community as a whole.

Thank you again for your hard work, and we hope to see you at another planting and tree maintenance session soon.

Thank you to the 100+ participants who came out to help plant these trees. A big, big thank you to Openlands for accepting our grant, supplying the trees, Treekeepers, tools, and know-how.  Thank you to Michigan State UniversityKelvyn Park High School and Kelvyn Park Advisory Council for bringing so many volunteers! Thank you Alderman Milly Santiago - 31st Ward for water and for supplies and handy help from Phil the Ward Superintendent.

And a big BIG thank you to La Central Bakery (4348 W. Armitage Ave, 773- 252-7302) for their generous donation of delicious sandwiches and cookies. Awesome job everyone!

An additional shout out to Chicago Park District for providing tools and mulch, and to the City of Chicago for providing permits.  

Feel free to visit Openlands' Facebook ( to see additonal pictures and videos from this event.

If you would like to get more involved in Openlands, please check out more information, here: