
Hermosa Cleanup / Limpiar Schedule

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association's summer cleanup schedule is in full swing! We are looking for individuals of all ages who can help pick up trash to beautify our parks, streets and greenspaces. Gloves and garage bags will be provided, dress according for the weather. // ¡El programa de limpieza de verano de la Asociación de Vecinos de Hermosa está en pleno apogeo! Buscamos personas de todas las edades que puedan ayudar a recoger la basura para embellecer nuestros parques, calles y espacios verdes. Se proporcionarán guantes y bolsas de garaje, vístase de acuerdo con el clima.

Hermosa's First 311 App Walk + Learn March 27th

CHI 311-app-non-emergency-chicago.png

The Hermosa Safety Committee is proud to host a 311 (non-emergency) App Walk and Learn March 27th, 2021 Saturday at 10am to 12pm. Bring your smartphone and we’ll give you tips on how to submit issues like potholes, tree trimming, graffiti, etc. The Chi 311 App gives a convenient way to alert the city of issues while you’re on-the-go. Sign up one of two locations in Hermosa!

¡Hermosa tendrá su primer Chi311App Camina y Aprenda! Trae tu smartphone y te daremos consejos sobre cómo enviar problemas como baches, recorte de árboles, graffiti, etc. Chi311 te ofrece una forma cómoda de alertar a la ciudad de los problemas mientras está afuera caminando. ¡Inscríbete en uno de los dos lugares de Hermosa!

When: Saturday, March 27 / Sabado de Marzo 27

Time/Hora: 10am - 12pm


  • Location 1/ Ubicación 1: South East corner of/ Esquina sureste de Armitage/Kostner 

  • Location 2/Ubicación 2: South East corner of /Esquina sureste de Wrightwood/Kostner (Kelvyn Park- Park District)


Register below to secure your spot / Regístrese a continuación para asegurar su lugar


Download the Chi 311 App on your Smartphone

Consiguelo en el Google Play - Android

Consiguelo en el Google Play - Android

Consiguelo en el App Store - Apple iPhone

Consiguelo en el App Store - Apple iPhone

Can’t make it to the Walk + Learn? Find out more about the Chi 311 non-emergency services on their website


Join the HNA Safety Committee

How to Organize a Neighborhood Cleanup

Anyone can host a Neighborhood Cleanup and the HNA would love to help! Contact us by any method below and we’ll assist you in organizing one for your block or area you feel is need within Hermosa.

  1. Contact the Hermosa Neighborhood Association to help with promotion and supplies:

  2. Contact Your Neighbors, Friends and Nearby Schools

    Neighbors: You may not have contact information for your nearby neighbors, but this is a great opportunity to becoming a block leader. Leave a note on someone’s door to recruit residents, post on social media and gather a phone and/or email tree to get people involved.

    Friends and Family: Your friends or family don’t need to live on your block to help you clean. You can invite them over (with masks) to gather outside safely and make it a social (distancing) affair.

    Your Nearby Elementary School: If you live close to a school, call the school to let them know the date and ask them if they can promote this on their social media channels or with school families. It’s a great way to get to meet school staff and families, even if you don’t have school-aged children.

    Your Nearby High School: All Chicago Public Schools high school students are required to log a certain amount of volunteer hours. By contacting the school or posting in a school Facebook group you can promote the cleanup with students. The student will need a non-profit or supervisor to sign their logged volunteers hours so the HNA can help with this.

Here’s an example of how the HNA can help promote your cleanup


Not sure where to start? Text us!

Join the Hermosa Volunteer Network

The Hermosa Volunteer Network is open to anyone who is willing to volunteer remotely or in person, and any organization connected to the Hermosa area can contribute a listing by contacting hermosachi.com@gmail.com.

To sign up, please use the form below. Volunteer listings are sent about once a month

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Join the Volunteer Network on GroupMe Chat

Request to join the occasional live chat for the Hermosa Volunteer Network. This chat is to spread the work about volunteer opportunities in the Hermosa area.

2020 Recap of HNA Community Outreach Committee Efforts

2020 Was the Year of Community Helpers

With so many challenges Hermosa faced in 2020, the HNA Community Outreach committee had to reimagine many in-person goals to adapt to safety and the heath of our residents. Here is a recap of the collaboration and outreach efforts we initiated and participation to advocate, support and provide resources to maintain our resilience:

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize, in our action-based Outreach + Marketing Committee. This committee focuses on engaging with the community in various ways including events, HNA advocacy, volunteering, as well as social media and promotion of Hermosa-focused news.

  • Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required: Interest in networking, social media, and promotion of virtual and online events either by writing or graphic design.

  • Commitment: 5-10 hours a month. Committee meetings are monthly.

  • Ages: 16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Join the HNA Beautification Committee for Hermosa

Beatification Committee Volunteer Opportunity

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize in our action-based Beautification Committee. This committee focuses on creating a greener and cleaner Hermosa. Seasonal planting, tree management and advocacy, as well as block and park cleanups.

Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required

Interest in being outdoors, planning or planting gardens, trees, park advocacy and neighborhood trash cleanups.


2-10 hours a month. Committee meetings are monthly. the 2nd Wednesday of the month. See full calendar for dates.


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Join the HNA Community Outreach + Marketing Committee for Hermosa

Community Outreach + Marketing Committee Volunteer Opportunity

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize, in our action-based Outreach + Marketing Committee. This committee focuses on engaging with the community in various ways including events, HNA advocacy, volunteering, as well as social media and promotion of Hermosa-focused news.

Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required

Interest in networking, social media, and promotion of virtual and online events either by writing or graphic design.


5-10 hours a month. Committee meetings are monthly.


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Join the HNA Fundraising Committee for Hermosa

Fundraising Committee Volunteer Opportunity

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize, in our action-based Fundraising Committee. This committee is dedicated to donor outreach, whether it be the community members in small donations, as well as corporate donors and grants. Fundraising may take place online through social media, at events or personal phone calls with potential business donors.

Committee meetings are monthly.

Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required

Interest in networking, social media, and promotion of virtual and online events, as well identifying potential donors, including grants.


5-10 hours a month


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Join the HNA Safety Committee for Hermosa

Safety Committee Volunteer Opportunity

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking neighbors to engage in safety, crime and traffic issues that affect our community in our action-based Safety Committee.

Committee meetings are monthly, not including community policing meetings such as CAPS Beat Meetings, Neighborhood Policing Initiatives, ward-related meetings and block club meetings.

By listening and engaging in community, ward and policing activities, committee members take on HNA Safety Committee goal-oriented tasks and initiatives such as reporting and publishing CAPs meetings, promoting ward and community policing engagements and collating crime and traffic data for special interest initiatives.

Helpful Skills/Interest But Not Required

Interest in community policing initiatives, promotion of current outreach programs held by City of Chicago services and outreach to communities, including spanish speakers.


5-10 hours a month


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements

Interested? Register to Talk with the HNA

By scheduling an appointment with a volunteer at the HNA, we spend 30 minutes discussing your interests and ways of volunteering to make a positive impact for our community.

Leadership Opportunities with the Hermosa Neighborhood Association

Volunteer! Join an HNA Committee

The Hermosa Neighborhood Association is seeking energetic neighbors and business owners to help strategize, in our action-based committees and neighborhood board. If you would like general information about volunteering, please visit our volunteering page, or make an appointment with one of our coordinators.

The HNA is structured as a voting membership of not more than 10, then an extended network or volunteers, donors and neighborhood advocates who join committees aligned by specific goals of the organization. Volunteers can join HNA Committees anytime, and the HNA Board is by application and annual election.

Current HNA Committees

Committees meet monthly. To join a committee, contact us and we can include you in our meetings, the committee calendar and goals

Marketing + Community Outreach Committee
This committee focuses on engaging with the community in various ways including events, HNA advocacy, volunteering, as well as social media and promotion of Hermosa-focused news


Safety Committee
By listening and engaging in community, ward and policing activities, committee members take on HNA Safety Committee goal-oriented tasks and initiatives such as reporting and publishing CAPs meetings, promoting ward and community policing engagements and collating crime and traffic data for special interest initiatives. Learn more


Fundraising + Dog Park Committee
This committee is dedicated to donor outreach, whether it be community members in small donations, as well as corporate donors and grants. Fundraising may take place online through social media, at events or personal phone calls with potential business donors.

Or, find out more information about pets and dog park progress.


Beautification Committee
This committee focuses on creating a greener and cleaner Hermosa. Seasonal planting, tree management and advocacy, as well as block and park cleanups are all part of this direct-action committee.


Time Commitment

2-10 hours a month depending


16+ to 100 (teens can acquire service hours for school requirements)

Interested? Please register to talk to our volunteer coordinators