Chicago Block Party FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

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Application + Forms

  • Where do I get the application forms?

    You can get them from your Alder´s office in person or download them here.

  • Can I apply for more than one block?

    Each application form is for ONE block.
    How many signatures do I need on my permit? How do I know the number of houses I need to obtain the percentage the alderman requires to have a block party approved?

    Best practice is to count the structures on your block and determine the required percentage the alderman is asking for. The percentage of residences on one block per Alder is as follows:

    • 31st Ward: Felix Cardona - 70%

    • 35th Ward: Carlos Ramirez Rosa - 65%

    • 36th Ward: Gilbert Villegas - 70%

    • 26th Ward: Roberto Maldonado - 80%

  • Who approves the block party permit request?

    A: Your Alder processes applications and the Chicago Department of Transportation approves or denies the request.


  • What are the requirements for having a block party?

    You are required to complete 3 forms to your Alder: Application, Permit with neighbor signatures and COVID Safety Affirmation form. Download here. There is no permit fee.

  • How far ahead should I plan my block party date? How long does the permit process take?

    We recommend at minimum 2 -4 weeks, up to 6 weeks for getting signatures, application processing and approval.

  • Am I required to alert my neighbors about the block party?

    You will likely alert them by getting their signature. For courtesy, we recommend printing a flyer to increase participation. You can download a sample flyer here.

  • How do I block the street from traffic?

    If you have barriers, you can use those or designate at least 1 car on each intersection to block the street. You must post your approved permit in a visible place for law enforcement or CDOT to see.

  • What time can I have the block party? How late CAN THEY BE?

    The application will require you to give a start and end time. You can block the street no earlier than 8am, and no later than 10pm. Typically block parties are held between 10am - 10pm.

  • What is different this year WITH COVID?

    The City of Chicago is prohibiting bouncy houses, they are requiring block captains to sign a Safety Affirmation form and that includes having a hand sanitizer table for neighbors, as well as recommended masks and vaccine information. For more details, go here.

  • What if it rains or the weather is bad?

    If the weather does not cooperate then you can request a later date, however you would have to re apply.

During the Block Party

  • Do we have to wear masks at the block party? 

    The CDC continues to advise that masks be worn to protect people who are not fully vaccinated against the virus that causes COVID-19. Children under 12 are not eligible yet for vaccination, therefore it is recommended.

  • Is alcohol allowed?

Chicago law prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the public way, but not on private property. Age of consumption is 21.

  • Can I have a bouncy house this year (2021)?

    NO. The City of Chicago PROHIBITS bouncy houses this year. Please remember ALL children under 12 years of age are NOT vaccinated, and are at risk of contracting COVID-19.

  • Can I decorate my street?

Yes! Any decorations must be removed after the party so it does not obstruct traffic. Trash must be cleaned up. Chalk will wash away in the rain.